

Page history last edited by Lisa Huff 14 years, 8 months ago

                                                                                                       a module created by Lisa Huff for TIE


Essential Question:  How can I use a blog TO LEARN and TO TEACH?

  1. How can I use a blog to learn and sharpen my pedagogy?
  2. How do I create a blog and publish multimedia content?
  3. How can I use blogs to impact my students' learning?



You'll complete 3 tasks today:


Working within a team, explore several sources and craft a big poster and presentation that addresses these questions:

  • WHY should I use digital tools to connect and network with others?
  • How can doing so help me GROW professionally?
  • How can I use a blog to impact STUDENT learning?


Next, you'll create your OWN BLOG and publish your first post!


Finally, you'll design a lesson that uses blogs with your own students.




Creative Commons License

Blog to Teach by Lisa Huff is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

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