
Design a Lesson for Your Students

Page history last edited by Lisa Huff 14 years, 8 months ago

How can you use a blog to impact your students' learning?


Now that you have a blog, your last task today is to design a lesson that integrates blogging with your students.

  1. Explore the sample lesson plans below, and reflect on your learning today.
  2. Use the lesson plan template to design a lesson that involves your students in blogging.
  3. Publish your lesson plan as a blog post on your blog. Include any accompanying resources  (rubrics, graphic organizers, checklists...) . The slideshow below gives step-by-step directions for using Google Docs to create your resources and link them in a blog post.



Lesson Planning Tools:

  • 4teachers.org:  Find a score of tools, including rubric creators.


Blogging Resources:

Creative Commons License

Blog to Teach by Lisa Huff is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

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